U.S. DOL-Office of Apprenticeship-State of Michigan-Contacts
U.S. DOL-OA Director, State of Michigan-Tiffanie L. Clawson
U.S. DOL-OA Apprentice Training Representative - Detroit Office - Marybeth Koski
U.S. DOL-OA Apprentice Training Representative - Battle Creek Office - Michiko Alverenga
U.S. DOL-OA Apprentice Training Representative - Lansing Office - Steven R. Long
Apprentices-- Apprenticeship Career Seekers-Explore Opportunities
Employers-- Explore Apprenticeship for Employers-Start an Apprenticeship program for your organization!
Educators—See what roles educators can play in registered apprenticeship opportunities
Veterans—Additional resources for our Michigan military veterans
Bureau of Employment Relations - Wage & Hour Division
Wage and Hour Division Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Wage and Hour Division to provide public service through the fair, effective, and efficient administration of laws which protect the wages and fringe benefits of Michigan’s workers and ensure compliance with the requirement that certain entities post notices related to human trafficking.
https://www.michiganbricklayers.org/ The Bricklayers and Allied Crafts workers Local 2
https://www.oe324.org/careers/ Operating Engineers 324
https://www.mitalent.org/apprenticeships. Pure Michigan Talent connect
https://detroiteitc.org Detroit Electrical Industry Training Center
https://mltai.org Michigan Laborers Training and Apprenticeship Institute
https://www.plumbers98tc.org Plumbers 98 & MCA Detroit Training Center
Realapprenticeship.com Michigan Statewide Carpenters & Millwrights Apprenticeship
www.smw80jac.org/ Sheet Metal Workers Local 80 Training Center
https://www.aaejatc.org Ann Arbor Electrical JATC
https://www.constructioncareersmi.com Michigan Construction Careers
https://www.mustcareers.org Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council
http://www.ironworkers25.org/ Iron Workers Local 25
http://www.wmca.info/apprenticeship-information.html West Michigan Construction Alliance (WMCA)
https://www.delta.edu/community/business-and-tech-training/apprenticeships.html Delta College Apprenticeships